Local File &Source, &fileLog;Local string &strLine, &FilePath, &EmplStatus;Local array of string &Item;Local number &Line, &SucCNT, &FailCNT;
Local ApiObject &oSession, &oCiJobDataChange;Local ApiObject &oCollNameTypeVwCollection, &oCollNameTypeVw;Local ApiObject &oCollNamesCollection, &oCollNames;Local ApiObject &oCollAddressTypeVwCollection, &oCollAddressTypeVw;Local ApiObject &oCollAddressesCollection, &oCollAddresses;Local ApiObject &oCollPersonalPhoneCollection, &oCollPersonalPhone;Local ApiObject &oCollEmailAddressesCollection, &oCollEmailAddresses;Local ApiObject &oCollPersDataEffdtCollection, &oCollPersDataEffdt;Local ApiObject &oCollPersNidCollection, &oCollPersNid;Local ApiObject &oCollJobCollection, &oCollJob;Local ApiObject &oCollJobJrCollection, &oCollJobJr;Local ApiObject &oCollCompensationCollection, &oCollCompensation;Local ApiObject &oCollJobEarnsDistCollection, &oCollJobEarnsDist;Local ApiObject &oCollBenProgParticCollection, &oCollBenProgPartic;
Function errorHandler() Local ApiObject &oPSMessageCollection, &oPSMessage; Local number &i; Local string &sErrMsgSetNum, &sErrMsgNum, &sErrMsgText, &sErrType; &oPSMessageCollection = &oSession.PSMessages; For &i = 1 To &oPSMessageCollection.Count &oPSMessage = &oPSMessageCollection.Item(&i); &sErrMsgSetNum = &oPSMessage.MessageSetNumber; &sErrMsgNum = &oPSMessage.MessageNumber; &sErrMsgText = &oPSMessage.Text; &fileLog.WriteLine(" " | &sErrType | " (" | &sErrMsgSetNum | "," | &sErrMsgNum | ") - " | &sErrMsgText); End-For; rem ***** Delete the Messages from the collection *****; &oPSMessageCollection.DeleteAll();End-Function;
rem ***** Set the Log File *****;&fileLog = GetFile("CI_JOB_DATA_CHANGE.log", "w", "a", %FilePath_Relative);rem ***** Get current PeopleSoft Session *****;&oSession = %Session;
rem ***** Set the PeopleSoft Session Error Message Mode *****;rem ***** 0 - None *****;rem ***** 1 - PSMessage Collection only (default) *****;rem ***** 2 - Message Box only *****;rem ***** 3 - Both collection and message box *****;&oSession.PSMessagesMode = 1;
rem ***** Get the Component Interface *****;&oCiJobDataChange = &oSession.GetCompIntfc(CompIntfc.TSC_SALARY_INCREASE_CI);If &oCiJobDataChange = Null Then &fileLog.WriteLine("Error in Get ComponentInterface - TSC_SALARY_INCREASE_CI."); errorHandler(); throw CreateException(0, 0, "GetCompIntfc failed");Else &fileLog.WriteLine("Success! Get ComponentInterface - TSC_SALARY_INCREASE_CI.");End-If;
rem ***** Set the Component Interface Mode *****;&oCiJobDataChange.InteractiveMode = False;&oCiJobDataChange.GetHistoryItems = True;&oCiJobDataChange.EditHistoryItems = False;
rem &FilePath = "E:\interface\" | %DbName | "\salary\z_load_salary.csv";&FilePath = "E:\test.csv";&Source = GetFile(&FilePath, "R", %FilePath_Absolute);
&Line = 0;&SucCNT = 0;&FailCNT = 0;
While &Source.ReadLine(&strLine) &Line = &Line + 1; &Item = Split(&strLine, ","); SQLExec("SELECT A.EMPL_STATUS FROM PS_JOB A WHERE A.EMPLID = :1 AND A.EMPL_RCD = 0 AND A.EFFDT = (SELECT MAX(B.EFFDT) FROM PS_JOB B WHERE B.EMPLID = A.EMPLID AND B.EMPL_RCD = 0) ", &Item [1], &EmplStatus); If &EmplStatus = "A" Then rem ***** Set Component Interface Get/Create Keys *****; If All(&Item [1]) Then &oCiJobDataChange.KEYPROP_EMPLID = &Item [1]; End-If; &oCiJobDataChange.KEYPROP_EMPL_RCD = 0; rem ***** Execute Create ******; If Not &oCiJobDataChange.Get() Then; rem ***** Unable to Create Component Interface for the Add keys provided. *****; &fileLog.WriteLine("Error! Can Not Get Employee When Processing " | &Line | ", Employee " | &Item [1] | "."); errorHandler(); Else rem ***** Set/Get COLL_JOB Collection Field Properties -- Parent: PS_ROOT Collection *****; &oCollJobCollection = &oCiJobDataChange.COLL_JOB; &oCollJob = &oCollJobCollection.InsertItem(&oCollJobCollection.CurrentItemNum()); &oCollJob.KEYPROP_EFFDT = Date(&Item [2]); SQLExec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PS_JOB WHERE EMPLID=:1 AND EMPL_RCD=:2 AND EFFDT=%DateIn(:3)", &Item [1], 0, &Item [2], &CNT); &oCollJob.KEYPROP_EFFSEQ = &CNT; &oCollJob.PROP_ACTION = &Item [3]; If Not None(&Item [4]) Then &oCollJob.PROP_ACTION_REASON = &Item [4]; End-If; rem ***** Set COLL_COMPENSATION Collection Field Properties -- Parent: COLL_JOB Collection *****; If &Item.Len >= 5 Then If Not None(&Item [5]) Then &oCollCompensationCollection = &oCollJob.COLL_COMPENSATION; &oCollCompensation = &oCollCompensationCollection.Item(1); REM &oCollCompensation.KEYPROP_COMP_RATECD = "MONPAY"; &oCollCompensation.PROP_COMPRATE = &Item [5]; &oCollJob.PROP_CALC_COMP_BTN = "!"; End-If; End-If; rem ***** Execute Save *****; If Not &oCiJobDataChange.Save() Then; REM Count as Fail; &FailCNT = &FailCNT + 1; &fileLog.WriteLine("Error! Can Not Save Employee When Process Line " | &Line | ", Employee " | &Item [1] | "."); errorHandler(); Else REM Count as Success; &FailCNT = &FailCNT + 1; &fileLog.WriteLine("Success! Finish Process Line " | &Line | ", Employee " | &Item [1] | "."); errorHandler(); End-If; rem ***** Execute Cancel *****; If Not &oCiJobDataChange.Cancel() Then; &fileLog.WriteLine("Error! Can Not Cancel Employee When Process Line " | &Line | ", Employee " | &Item [1] | "."); errorHandler(); End-If; End-If; Else REM When Employee Status Is Not Active; &fileLog.WriteLine("Error! Can Process Inactive Employee When Process Line " | &Line | ", Employee " | &Item [1] | "."); REM Count as Fail; &FailCNT = &FailCNT + 1; End-If; CommitWork(); CollectGarbage(); End-While;